Description Interest
Since 1984, RSDSA has provided support, education and hope to those affected by CRPS/RSD while driving research to develop better treatments and a cure. We are committed to providing public education and professional awareness through instructional videos for physical therapists, educational opportunities for those afflicted with the syndrome, and scientific conferences that bring together clinicians, researchers, donors and people with CRPS from around the world. Our ultimate goal is to help those with CRPS to cope, adapt and flourish and to lead healthier, productive and satisfying lives.
Welcome to GNH Community, glad to have you join us. Members may post information that they think will be of interest to nonprofits, civic organizations, the people they serve or the general public. You may post calendared events on the events page, non-date specific information on the blog, pictures or video.
Your opportunities to connect with other members greatly increases if you include a photo or logo on your profile, include your job title and\or if you "like" or comment on the post of other members. Events are also noticed more often if you include a picture or logo as a part of the posting.
Check out the groups created by other members; this is a great place to meet people that share your interest and to ask questions. You may request to join as many groups as you wish or start a new group. The creator of a group sets the parameters for membership. If you have a question about a group, please write to the owner (the person who initiated the group).
If you have questions or suggestions as to how we can make GNH Community more useful please let me know.
GNH Community is funded by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.