GNH Community

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All Blog Posts (2,411)

Holder-Winfield Forming Exploratory Committee - by Paul Bass

By Paul Bass | Nov 11, 2012 11:37 am - Posted to: City Hall, Campaign 2013, School Reform

 “We encourage you to read this NHI article in its entirety and --if you can afford the time-- read…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on November 18, 2012 at 6:06pm — No Comments

The GNH Community Foundation & The Graustein Foundation Provide Seed Money for a GREAT Cause

AMEN & Halleluiah! Imagine what could happen if this became a trend!

“Varick Readies New School, New Sanctuary & New Housing.”

by Allan Appel | Nov 12, 2012 11:33 am  Post a Comment |…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on November 12, 2012 at 7:38pm — No Comments

What Is Typical Forgetfulness? What Are Reasons for Concern? November Is Alzheimer's Awareness Month

What's Typical Forgetfulness? What Are Reason for Concern?

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness and Education Month

Learn more about Alzheimer's on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012 - starting at 6:30 pm - Transition Center - Ives Main Library in New Haven

Maria Tomasetti, director of the South Central Regional…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on November 10, 2012 at 10:52am — No Comments

Many Hispanics Have Heart Disease Risk Factors: Men - High Cholesterol, Women - Obesity

Many U.S. Hispanics Have Heart Disease Risk Factors

Many U.S. Hispanics Have Heart Disease Risk Factors

HealthDay, 11/05/2012

Many Hispanic adults in the United States have major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, a new study…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on November 8, 2012 at 9:48am — No Comments

Thanks for the Welcome message and tips Lee!

I'm still learning the Art of Connecting. Reclusive by nature, but a lover of Community and Humanity, and am always willing to help.

Added by Simone A Mason, PhD on November 3, 2012 at 8:45am — No Comments

Applications being accepted to host a Yale Fellow this summer

Yale University seeks placements from nonprofit and public sector agencies in the City of New Haven for the 2013 President's Public Service Fellowship. President Richard Levin created the Fellowship in 1994 as part of the University’s partnership with the City and citizens of New Haven.  More than 400 Yale University undergraduate, graduate, and professional students have contributed close to 200,000 hours of community service to New Haven nonprofit and public sector agencies as President’s…


Added by Karen King on November 1, 2012 at 9:31am — No Comments

October is Breast Cancer and Health Literacy Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer & Health Literacy Awareness Month.

We Encourage Our Viewers to Take This Opportunity to Learn All You Can About the Anatomy of the Breast & How Cancer is Staged.

OneWorld has provided a wealth of information from some of the best resources available.  It is free and reliable information.…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 26, 2012 at 6:09am — No Comments

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven seeks Knowledge Officer

REVISED 10/19/12


The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, the region's largest grantmaker, is seeking a qualified candidate for a professional position in the Grantmaking and Strategy Department. The Community Foundation’s mission is to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven by increasing the amount of and enhancing the impact of community philanthropy. The deadline for applications is November 9,…


Added by Lee Cruz on October 19, 2012 at 7:29am — No Comments

HIV is 24th Leading Cause of Death for Whites - 9th Leading Cause of Death for Blacks

HIV Death Rates Fall, But Disparities Remain: Study

, Andrew Seaman, 10/10/2012

New drug treatments have dramatically improved survival for…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 17, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

Study Demonstrates the Dangers of Second-Hand Smoke to Children

When Adults Smoke in Cars, Child Passengers Suffer: Study

HealthDay, 10/16/2012

Smoking in cars produces levels of…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 17, 2012 at 7:28am — No Comments

Ready to make a difference in your community?




Christian Community Action, Inc.’s

Advocacy & Education Project…


Added by Merryl Eaton on October 16, 2012 at 8:12am — No Comments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Education Month - Get Informed!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Education Month.  It is also the month for Health Literacy. However, we at OneWorld believe that every day is the right day for Health Literacy and Breast Cancer Education. OneWorld has a more extensive posting for all women on our regular web blog page at:

By October 21,…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 13, 2012 at 2:35pm — No Comments

RWJF News Digest: Childhood Obesity - A Variety of Resources about Childhood Obesity

Colorado Tries to Keep Kids on Healthy Track 

USA Today, Kelly Kennedy, 10/03/2012 This frequently updated news digest on the subject of Childhood Obesity…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 12, 2012 at 4:34pm — No Comments

Many People Are Working On The Obesity Problem In The Black and Hispanic Communities

Education about Obesity Needs to Start with Parents, Community Organizations and Schools.

It would help greatly if more Churches substitute fruits and veggies for danish, bagels and muffins.…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 12, 2012 at 2:31pm — No Comments

Eighteen-month-old Shot in Cross-fire. Where is the Community Indignation to End The Violence?

The undersigned are members of Community Healing Network - based in New Haven.
Dear Friends:
A few days ago, a little boy, just one and a half years old, was the victim of a drive-by shooting in New…

Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 12, 2012 at 11:01am — No Comments

The Next Generation of Manhood - A Call to Action Against Domestic Violence


A Call To Men has produced a powerful and informative PSA titled: The Next Generation of Manhood.

OneWorld Progressive Institute (OneWorld) invites you to watch this 2 mins 9 secs…

Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 9, 2012 at 7:18am — No Comments

The Community Healing Network Invites You to Defy The Lie and Embrace the Truth

Dear Friends:

We are counting down to the fifth annual celebration of Community Healing Days on October 19, 20, and 21. This year, Community Healing Network and the Association of Black Psychologists are coming together to call on Black people everywhere to make a personal commitment to emotional wellness by taking the…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 8, 2012 at 7:58am — No Comments

Understanding Medicare Care, Cost, Control and Consequences

Medicare Finances Made Simple


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 6, 2012 at 6:43pm — No Comments

Facts about ACA and Medicare - Hear from the Experts

What are the real facts about the Affordable Care Act and Medicare? Get answers from the experts. Hear from Brad Plebani, deputy director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy (CMA), through a OneWorld community information video. Hear also from Frances Padilla, President, Universal Health Foundation; Theresa Younger, Executive Director, The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), and the Reverend Lamar-Sterling, First…


Added by N'Zinga Shani on October 5, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Chief Program Officer - YWCA Hartford Region

For more information, please contact Janna Pedersen at:

Ampersand Consulting

PO Box 35

Storrs, CT 06268

860-429-2930 - voice

Added by Michael Negron on October 3, 2012 at 10:13am — No Comments

Monthly Archives

















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Imagine. Inform. Invest. Inspire. Working together to build a stronger community - now and forever.

The Community Foundation office at 70 Audubon Street is open to visitors by appointment only; Foundation staff are available by phone and email Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. to conduct business or to schedule a time to visit. To contact a staff member, view our staff directory.




Open Street Project

An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit

By Ryan O’Connor, Director of Programs, 8 80 Cities Recently 8 80 Cities wrote a blog post about open streets being a labour of love. That being the case, the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans felt like a family reunion of sorts. It was rejuvenating to see old and new friends who share our passion for open streets and are working tirelessly to create healthier, happier, and more connected communities across the world. The event, which took place on September 15-16, brought together more than 50 leaders who currently organize open streets programs or are interested in bringing the...

The post An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda

We hope you are getting ready and feel excited about the Open Streets Summit in Gretna/New Orleans! Taking place from September 15-16, 2018, the Summit will feature tours, presentations and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Attendees will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting or scaling up open streets programs, including: Route design and planning Partnerships with business and officials Social inclusion Safety and logistics Marketing and promotion Program evaluation through measurable goals and metrics If you haven’t done it yet, click here to register for the Open Streets Summit only or...

The post Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced!

The Open Streets Project is proud to announce that Ed Solis from Viva Calle (San Jose, CA), Romel Pascual from CicLAvia (Los Angeles, CA), Jaymie Santiago and Charles Brown from New Brunswick Ciclovia will join us as speakers for the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans and Gretna! Taking place from September 15-16 2018, the Summit will feature: Behind the scenes tour of the City of Gretna’s inaugural open streets program. Workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Training and inspiration for both -novice and experienced- open streets organizers and supporters...

The post Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced! appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

LISC To Deploy $6.125M from CDFI Fund to Expand Access to Healthy Food, Fuel Infill Development

The CDFI Fund announced $408M in funding for 357 CDFIs to provide financial products and services for underserved individuals and communities

Rob Lockett Takes the Helm at LISC Detroit to Build on $400+ Million Track Record of Community Investment and Impact

LISC has named Rob Lockett, an innovative philanthropic and business leader, as the new executive director of LISC Detroit. Lockett most recently served as the team leader for national housing stability at Rocket Community Fund. “Rob knows how to connect the dots from capital to community to long-term positive impact,” noted Dr. Ruth Jones Nichols, LISC executive vice president for local and national programs.

Consulting Firm’s Efforts to Deliver New Therapies to Patients Faster is Bolstered by LISC

Jeanette Towles founded Synterex, a clinical and regulatory consulting firm, to help life science companies deliver new therapies to patients faster. When she hit capital roadblocks as she worked to grow her business, LISC stepped in to help. Learn how $1 million in affordable capital from the Abbott-LISC Initiative to Support Diverse Businesses in Health is helping Towles develop an artificial intelligence tool that will fuel Synterex’s growth.

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