GNH Community

Community, Nonprofits and Businesses sharing Information

Kelly Turner Cole
  • New Haven, CT
  • United States
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Kelly Turner Cole's Friends

  • Nick Santana
  • Sabir Askari Abdussabur
  • Breakthru! Inc.
  • Michael Jackson
  • Tricia Bogie
  • Lee Cruz

Kelly Turner Cole's Page

Profile Information

Name of the Organization
The CHAIN Fund, Inc.
Contact Person
Kelly Turner Cole
Job Title
Contact phone
Energy Assistance, Housing Assistance, Advocacy
Description Interest
We Provide financial assistance to cancer patients.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 6:38pm on November 10, 2013, Sabir Askari Abdussabur said…

Support the Youth Day Project TODAY!

Donate $5 and get an orange "I celebrate the talents of the youth wristband."

Donate $25 and get an "I celebrate the talents of the youth" mug.

Donate $50 and get an "I celebrate the talents of the youth" banner.

Donate Today:

We have till Friday to raise $3,800, donate today. Every dollar counts :D
At 10:08am on March 6, 2013, Lee Cruz said…


Welcome to GNH Community, glad to have you join us. Members may post information that they think will be of interest to nonprofits, civic organizations, the people they serve or the general public. You may post calendared events on the events page, non-date specific information on the blog, pictures or video. For profit business members may not advertise or promote their business on this site.

Your chances of connecting with other members greatly increases if you include a photo or logo on your profile, if you include your job title and\or if you "like" or comment on the post of members. Events are also noticed more often if you include a picture or logo.

Check out the groups created by other members; this is a great place to meet people that share your interest and to ask questions. You may request to join as many groups as you wish or start a new group. The creator of a group sets the parameters for membership. If you have a question about a group, please write to the owner (the person who initiated the group).


If you have questions or suggestions as to how we can make GNH Community more useful please let me know.

GNH Community is funded by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.


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Non-English speaking residents can read the content of this website by clicking on "Select Language" above and picking their preferred language. Once a language is selected all content with the exception of attachments will appear in that language.


Imagine. Inform. Invest. Inspire. Working together to build a stronger community - now and forever.

The Community Foundation office at 70 Audubon Street is open to visitors by appointment only; Foundation staff are available by phone and email Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. to conduct business or to schedule a time to visit. To contact a staff member, view our staff directory.




Open Street Project

An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit

By Ryan O’Connor, Director of Programs, 8 80 Cities Recently 8 80 Cities wrote a blog post about open streets being a labour of love. That being the case, the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans felt like a family reunion of sorts. It was rejuvenating to see old and new friends who share our passion for open streets and are working tirelessly to create healthier, happier, and more connected communities across the world. The event, which took place on September 15-16, brought together more than 50 leaders who currently organize open streets programs or are interested in bringing the...

The post An Open Streets Family Reunion: Reflections from the 2018 Open Streets Summit appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda

We hope you are getting ready and feel excited about the Open Streets Summit in Gretna/New Orleans! Taking place from September 15-16, 2018, the Summit will feature tours, presentations and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Attendees will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting or scaling up open streets programs, including: Route design and planning Partnerships with business and officials Social inclusion Safety and logistics Marketing and promotion Program evaluation through measurable goals and metrics If you haven’t done it yet, click here to register for the Open Streets Summit only or...

The post Open Streets Summit Draft Agenda appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced!

The Open Streets Project is proud to announce that Ed Solis from Viva Calle (San Jose, CA), Romel Pascual from CicLAvia (Los Angeles, CA), Jaymie Santiago and Charles Brown from New Brunswick Ciclovia will join us as speakers for the 2018 Open Streets Summit in New Orleans and Gretna! Taking place from September 15-16 2018, the Summit will feature: Behind the scenes tour of the City of Gretna’s inaugural open streets program. Workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities with open streets champions and organizers from across the continent. Training and inspiration for both -novice and experienced- open streets organizers and supporters...

The post Open Streets Summit Speakers Announced! appeared first on Open Streets Project.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Creating Opportunity in Rural America: Why Our Funders Support Rural LISC

Funders make realizing our mission possible. At our recent Rural Seminar in Little Rock, Arkansas, we asked our funders why they support Rural LISC. Hear what our friends from USDA Rural Development, Mastercard Strive, U.S. Bank and Walton Family Foundation had to say.

LISC and American Express to Help Small Businesses Prepare for and Recover from Future Natural Disasters with $5 Million Grant

A new $5 million grant from American Express will help LISC and its business development organization partners equip small business owners with the knowledge and tools they need to prepare for and recover from natural disasters. The work will focus on communities in Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans and Puerto Rico.

In Memoriam: Beth Marcus, Former LISC EVP of Development

Beth Marcus, who died on Dec 1, was a 16-year veteran of LISC who led the organization’s fundraising to unprecedented levels of success, with an unwavering eye to forging maximum impact for underserved communities. In a tribute to her life and legacy, LISCers past and present reflect on Marcus’s extraordinary vision, effectiveness and heart.

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