Brainard Carey

New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Name of the Organization
The Art World Demystified
Contact Person
Brainard Carey
Contact phone
(917) 727-3153
Career Assistance
Description Interest
Brainard Carey is a career consultant to artists and creative professionals. His focus is on helping to raise money for the arts and art-related institutions as well career management and planning for artists.

Comment Wall:

  • Lee Cruz

    Welcome to GNH Community. Consultants are welcome to be members as long as you do not self-promote. If you create a useful resource, an article or presentation you are welcome to post it and to point it out to members. Thank you again for joining the conversation at GNH Community.
  • Lee Cruz

    I suggest that you post the event, if someone from the library has not already done so. I will feature it and send out a notice using Twitter, FB and LinkedIn. After the presentation you can post it to the blog ot post a link to if if you have it up somewhere, like on SlideShare. Take care, Lee
  • Lee Cruz

    Tweet: #NHV Save the date for "Generating Income for Artists: A seminar with Brainard Carey" 6-7pm 11/17: