Roger Senserrich - CAHS


New Haven, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Name of the Organization
Connecticut Association for Human Services
Contact Person
Roger Senserrich
Contact phone
860.951.2212 xt 247 (better e-mail or GNH community!)
Food Assistance, Health, Advocacy
Description Interest
Our Mission

To end poverty and engage, equip, and empower all families in Connecticut to build a secure future.

My job - How can I help!:

1. EarnBenefits program coordinator: a network of community organizations that can help low income families access the state and federal benefits they are eligible for. We have several partners in New Haven, most of them represented at GNH Community. Check the EarnBenefits group for more info!

2. SNAP / Food Stamp outreach: helping people apply for Food Stamp (now SNAP) benefits, answering questions, organizing workshop for providers and doing advocacy work for clients.

3. Ning/GNH Community Administrator: cheerleading people to join GNH Community, solving problems and organizing workshops and presentations to add as many users as possible.

4. VITA / Money School contact: I don´t do that myself - page Ellen Carter (also in this network!) for more information. I can bring fliers, though.

Comment Wall:

  • Denise Duclos

    Roger: I'll be interested in seeing how this all progresses--will it help folks serve families better? answer questions? promote their programs? I definitely think that the sr programs can use it to update their openings and when they are full, help families find another program with an opening.

    so, are you really interested in preschool openings? There aren't any now but come July 1 I expect that some programs will . It's never too early to start applying. call if you are serious about wanting more info. denise 946-7875
  • Kathleen Hagearty

    Thanks. I did notice that NFN doesn't quite fit into the service areas. I will try to get some Health Dept staff to complete.
  • Roger Senserrich - CAHS

    Don´t worry about that, I will create more groups / service areas as required. I need to give more options in the profiles - the search will be more useful that way.
  • Pam Hansen

    Roger, we are officially launching the Plan on September 8th at a Mayoral Press Conference. I will post it then. I will also announce and post the Press conference on
  • Jennifer Rivera

    Mr. Senserrich,
    Hope all is well. I will work on getting that info into a blog before the end of this week.
  • leyda ( lolli ) rodriguez

    MANOS is the Maternal and Newborn Outreach Support Program through the Maternal and Child Health Division. They provided case management to High Risk Pregnant Women.
  • Christopher Cornell

    I certainly will. Thanks for informing me of this great service!
  • Ken Janke


    Its great to join in with you and others and build together. Thanks for your warm welcome.

  • Mary Ann Emswiler

    Thanks, Roger! Glad to be with you.
  • Citywide Youth Coalition

    Hi Roger, great to be here! thanks to you & CAHS for hosting us all so well. Happy Holidays! Rachel
  • Todd Foster

    This looks like a great place to be. Thanks Roger!
  • Dolores Bush

    Hello Roger Senserrich!
    Glad you asked, i need help getting providers and information to the Greater New Haven area about Project Home Share
  • Martha Hansen

    Thanks, Roger! I am trying to post a March event, but having problems...can you help?